His Legacy Lives On

Today would have been Dad’s 80th birthday.

For the longest time, whenever I asked him how he was – he’d never say fine or okay – he’d always say “Oh, I’m alive.” And we’d chuckle and I’d say that’s a good thing. And he’d agree with a smile.

He never put too many demands on life, but he did have one GIANT goal – he wanted to live to be 100. He didn’t know what he’d do when he got to the magical milestone but he sure wanted to find out what it would be like. He told all his doctors and friends and family long before he got so sick that he was going to make it to his centennial birthday, and nothing could or would stop him, not even Alzheimer’s. And dang it, with his stubborn spirit, we all thought he would make it.

He’s been gone a year and a half and it feels like a lifetime has passed, especially with the pandemic. But what I go back to for solace when I’m missing him is his incredible photos and the many happy memories I have of him sharing stories about his trips. In preparation for today, I started looking through the THOUSANDS of photos we’ve collected on a hard drive. I maybe got through a third of them and what I found often took my breath away. Such gorgeous, yet simple moments captured by his camera lens. In honor of his birthday and the one year anniversary of this website, we’ll be posting new photos for your viewing pleasure over the next few days. And please sign up for the AFR Club for the latest on free downloads and upcoming special events!

Thanks for your love and support of Dad’s legacy.

Vicki & Jen