Heron Hot Spot
The J.N. “Ding” Darling Wildlife Refuge in Florida is a wonderland of course for birds, especially wading birds such as herons. This yellow-crowned night heron caught Dad’s attention when we visited in 2015
The J.N. “Ding” Darling Wildlife Refuge in Florida is a wonderland of course for birds, especially wading birds such as herons. This yellow-crowned night heron caught Dad’s attention when we visited in 2015
Dad always came up with cool titles for his photos. This is one of my very favorites. He took this image out on the West Coast.
Dad was in south Florida on a photography trip with his friends in the early 2000s and caught this parrot in a playful pose.
On our last big family vacation, we stayed on Captiva Island on the Gulf Coast. Everywhere we looked, there were Osprey lurking in the trees. Dad apparently captured this one singing for a mate.
Dad’s camera club liked to take trips down to Indiana to check out nature preserves. This goldfinch caught my dad’s eye as it casually posed for him.
Dad loved to bird watch on top of taking photos so he was always on the lookout for birds mingling among the wildflowers.
Lock & Dam 14 in Le Claire, Iowa. One of dad’s camera clubs went every winter as it was one of the few places to see eagles feed along the Mississippi River. Fish was thrown out to the eagles on the Iowa side. It was not allowed in Illinois.
Dad captured this gorgeous bird at J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Rescue on Sanibel Island, Florida in 2015. It was our last family vacation before our dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
This was Dad’s first photo of an owl in the wild. He had the opportunity to capture this great horned owl thanks to his dear friend Arnold. He took dad out photographing pretty regularly at the Morton Arboretum and Arnold had scouted out this tree with an owl family inside.